Friday, October 14, 2005

Not a whole lot going on, really. Playing some lower-level characters in City of Heroes, got two to lvl 9 and one to lvl 6. Just trying all the other types out to see what they are like. So far I think the controller is the most powerful group - not in level of bad guy I can stomp, but in the ability to blind one guy, knock another off his feet, and then do massive damage to a third, PLUS put defensive shielding around my teammates to protect them from damage...

I just cleaned the entire apartment. Started as soon as I got home, around 5pm. Vacuumed every room, cleaned both bathrooms, including the tub/showers. Dusted everything I could reach, then threw all the towels and such into the wash. Tired now.

Just finished a novel by Lincoln Childs - Death Match. Think about gone horribly wrong. :) Good book, he took some liberties with computers and such, but I'll forgive him.

Ah well, dinner just dinged and the TV and comfy sofa are calling my name, so I'm going to eat and rest a bit now.