Update to the marital bliss topic - Patty signed a lease on an apt, and she and her roomie will be moving from their current apt into the new one on Aug 1. I will be signing a lease tonight and hope to schedule the move for Aug 1 as well. I hope to get it all done at once while the moving company is there. We're going to keep it friendly, but she has pretty much decided not to seek any further help regarding this and I have come to grips with that. I think being alone for a while will be good for me. Besides, I get to buy my new TV now!
I should have my new address tonight or Friday - a nice 2br 2 bath apt classified as a luxury apt. At $1500+/mo it better be. Still cheaper than the house, and all of the maintenance is handled for me. That will be nice.
I'm going to put the house on the market as soon as possible. We have some major cleaning and such to do, but I want to see the house on the market by the 16th of July. We will put a clause in that closing may not take place before Aug 15th, to give us time to get everything out without having to rush.
I'm experimenting with Maggie, seeing if she can go 9-10 hrs without going outside. SO far so good. I hope she will be fine with this, otherwise I will have to modify my working hours to allow for 30 min a day to babysit the dogs. It will only be a 2.3 mile commute, but still a bit of a hassle.