Wow - quite a storm last night. Not only did it put the office on generator power for several hours, it knocked out over half the traffic signals in the county. Lovely. Going home yesterday was an experience - the generous nature of the residents hereabouts was exposed for the selfish, me-first attitude that REALLY underlies all the lovely words and speech. When nobody yields right-of-way at a major intersection, it leads to extremely close following (so nobody can cut in) and rear-end collisions (when someone up front was't close enough and let someone cut in) as well as huge traffic jams caused by the aforementioned behaviors. I hope they get the signals going again soon, as these children cannot play nice and need adult supervision in their driving.
Either the storm or the evils of chance killed my cable modem last night - no lights, not even the blinking light indicating no signal. Nada. Several outlets that otherwise worked produced the same lack of lights on my poor modem. Today Patty takes it back for (hopefully) a full in-warranty exchange. Best Buy. If they refuse, and we have to go with LinkSys' tech support, I'll be a very unhappy person. But we have a Plan B. ;)